Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hello to all my students.I want to wish all of you happy holidays and a healthy new year.Please remember that this is a time for giving and appreciating how lucky and blessed we are.Then lets try to improve something within our selves so we can really enjoy next year.I vote for trying to not take anything personal and accepting other peoples differences.Sounds easy but you might have to meditate each day for 10minutes in order for us to really get it.Please try it and let me know how its working for you.If you dont -I wont take it personal. With Love taichi Mike

Saturday, November 5, 2011


BMINDFUL is what I have on my licence plate and lots of my friends and students ask me what does it mean.In the beginning of my Taiji journey it was more about being aware of my actions-to make sure I was being courteous of others-to make sure that I was being nice to others.That was the easy part for most people who stay with taiji are already kind of nice.Then I had to learn to be nice and gentle with myself-I had to stop picking on my mistakes with the form and not get annoyed that I cant remember stuff-I started to treat myself better with mind chatter -with food intake--with what and who is important in my life--I had to learn forgiveness-and that was difficult.....Then after many years of learning I began to understand the Bmindful was all about of learning to BE in the MOMENT of life each day! That does take some work and strength and focus- but when you are able to enjoy the little things in life and the world slows down and your body and mind and breath are connected--Well my friends- at that moment "ALL IS WELL" and life is a beautiful place...Good luck on your journey... Taichi Mike

Friday, October 28, 2011

Taiji classes

Good morning to all my taiji fans....I have been asked to put info on my classes on my blog....Monday I am in Statesville at 9--Moorsville at 11 & 12.15...Tuesday I am in Cornelius at 9--Charlotte at 11.45...Wedsday I am in Birkdale at 9.30--Huntersville at 11.45...Thursday I am in Charlotte at 11&1.30&6.30..Friday I do private classes and Reiki sessions......Please Call 704-947-8657 for details..Thank you Taiji Mike

Sunday, May 1, 2011

World Taiji day..

Thanks to all who came to World taiji day.It was fun to see so many students and new people on this special day.I hope all enjoyed the weather and teachings of the various Sifu's....Most of all I hope you felt good after you sent some positive Qi to the world.Remember it is always nicer to do your qigong/taiji out in the open by the water or trees to meld with nature....thanks for coming and see you in class...Sifu Mike

Sunday, April 24, 2011

SPRING and Taiji..........What a great time to start or restart or improve your taiji!...the flowers are blooming the trees are full of life the air smells sweet and the days are longer......Its time to wake up from the winter and add to your life with a SPRING in your step.....Like at turtle we should move slow and steady and add to our longevity of life.Enjoy your journey and I will see you in class or out in the parks..Remember world Tai-Chi day at ramsey creek park on 4/30 at 9.30am....Ciao