Saturday, August 4, 2012


Hello to all my students and friends who have reminded me that I have been remiss in updating my BLOG.All I have to say is OOPS-cant believe that I forgot for months-and sorry if you have been checking for info that was not there.I will try to be more mindful of my responsibility to update the blog in the future. Thanks again for the reminder and I will blog ASAP.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What makes a man/women

Confucius said-There are three marks of a superior man.Being (Virtuous) so he is free of anxiety.Being (Wise) so he is free from perplexity.Being (Brave) so he is free from fear.If we do that and live in the moment then life becomes a wonderful place to be. Enjoy the day! Taichi Mike

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy new year

Hello to all my friends and family and students..What a great time of the year this is.An opportunity for us to appreciate what we have and improve something in our lives.Lets remember to be gentle and kind to ourselves as we make new goals for our health and mental well being.So today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are we going to do with it?.For me its doing taiji at sunrise and thinking about all the nice people who attend my classes and make my day.Then a nice healthy lunch.I guess its the simple things that make me happy.How about you?..Thanks Taichi Mike