Sunday, November 23, 2008

Four Steps to Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is so common and silent that most of us do not take it seriously. One of every three Americans have pressure over 120/80. So what can we do about this? Most of you know that I do not like taking medicine unless absolutely necessary and then only after changes in diet and exercise have been made. Here are some tips: 1) DIET. Get more potassium. We need to get 5x more potassium than sodium (I bet you're not!)...sweet potatoes-bananas-green beans-orange juice-cantaloupe-tomatoes and prunes will do the trick. Do not take supplements unless prescribed by your heath care provider. 2) Boost your vitamin D level by spending 15 minutes a day in the sunlight. 3) Learn how to meditate through exercises like YOGA and/or Tai Chi, and of course keep walking as much as you can. 4) Learn how to do "belly breathing" (diaphragmatic breathing) and spend 5 minutes 3 times a day relaxing, and smiling and breathing and counting our blessings. Try it you'll like it.

Tai chi thought of the week:
The purpose of a discussion or argument should be PROGRESS not victory. Sometimes it’s better to be NICE than RIGHT.

Stay centered, enjoy the day, and be careful out there.
Sifu Mike

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Outstanding blogs! Dave and I took a hike yesterday with freinds. There was the great carved our rock which I climbed up to. I paused for about 30 minutes to enjoy the quiet, the leaves russling, the wind blowing lightly across my cheeks as the sun warmed them; I was able to climb the wall of the rock and do shoulder stands and Sat-Nam breathing. Your email is a perfect reminder to keep doing all of it!!! THANKS