Monday, December 30, 2013


Hello to all my students/friends...How great is it that we get a chance to reflect on our year and think about some self improvement? I like the idea of having another year to increase knowledge-health-relationships and my Taiji practice. How about you? Are you ready to do some thinking about yourself and then make some changes?? So take a big breath and look in the mirror and try to come up with at least 3 areas of your life that YOU can enhance. And then make it happen!! And remember to be careful out there.....Tai chi Mike

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tai chi classes

This is where I teach Tai chi(Taiji) and Qigong classes. MONDAY-Statesville and Mooresville senior centers...TUESDAY- Huntersville Senior center. Charlotte at the JCC-Cypress-Pineville CMC. WEDNESDAY- Huntersville Aquatic center. THURSDAY-Levine cancer wellness program in Charlotte- Myers park Baptist church and Aldersgate. FRIDAY at Monroe CMC and private lessons. Please call for details 704-947-8657 I also do Reiki certifications and treatments.. Thank you for asking...

tai chi thoughts

Happy Holidays....These are some of my favorite quotes to help make life easier to deal with...When a problem comes up and it seems over whelming-" Just take the first step-comeback to center and let the next one reveal its self" Can you change the problem? can you make it better? can you remove it? if not then "ACCEPT IT" and please remember the serenity prayer-" God grant me the SERINITY to change what I can-ACCEPT what I cant-and the WISDOM to know the difference......Enjoy the journey of the seasons.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

In the moment thoughts.

We all know the importance of learning how to be in the moment!We also know that we need to review the past in order to learn about our habits!We also realize that we need to plan for the future to some degree! The question is how do we balance? My friend Wil Hessert from International Ener-qi Association has summed it up as follows.....We must UNDERSTAND how the past affects us....We should keep the PRESENT full of rich and satisfying experiences....And we should devote some energy to building for the future! Try it as you enjoy the process and breathe and smile. Sifu Mike Gentile