Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Goals for the new year

Hello to all my Taichi friends....A reminder to start the year-What makes a superior man/woman??   Be BRAVE and be free from fear       Be WISE and be free from perplexity     Be VIRTUOUS and be free from anxiety...Enjoy the season of giving and counting our blessings    Sifu Mike

Monday, May 26, 2014

How to be happy

The pursuit of happiness is at times difficult. Some of us get stressed out trying to be healthy and happy. I like this Chinese proverb....Someone to LOVE--Something to DO--something to HOPE for...I find that life is not always happy but within each day there are moments of happiness if we are centered and aware of our surroundings.Taiji will help us learn to be in the moment and that will increase our happiness. So smile and breathe and take on the day!!    Sifu Mike

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The silent P's in Tai-Chi

Hello to my students of Taiji....Many times I am asked how do we get better? How do we become smooth? How do we remember the moves? How does Taijiquan become "meditation in motion" How do we improve our balance? The answers my friends is the silent P's ...PATIENCE ---PRACTICE---and PERSEVERANCE ......Try it for 100days and you will enjoy your Taiji journey at a much higher level.....Good luck and thanks for asking.  Sifu MIKE

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Breathe and Smile

                Happy spring.....When I teach breathing and relaxing to my students-I most times mention that if you don't know what to do just "breathe and smile". That is easy to do when you are relaxed and in a safe space. I think if we can use it during the difficult times- then it would really enhance our lives. So here are a few that come to mind. Since I drive many miles a week on I77 -I do come across all types of drivers. They tailgate -they speed -they cut in front with out blinkers-So I get plenty of opportunity to either get annoyed or mad and at times want to respond in a not so nice way. Instead I just BREATHE and SMILE. When I am waiting in line and another line opens up-do they always ask who is next? or do they let someone who just got there to go ahead. What can you do-just BREATHE and SMILE. Do people always call back-do the kids always appreciate what we do for them-are people always on time for meetings. The answer is of course NO. So I can only control what I do and that is to -BREATHE and SMILE..So do you get the message? Ciao