Sunday, February 8, 2009

What is Reiki?

As a Reiki Master I am often asked to explain Reiki. Pronounced ray-key, reiki is a Japanese word for universal life force energy. Just like Chi in tai chi, or prana in yoga, reiki can and is used to for healing, deep relaxation, and inner peace. Reiki can bring balance and harmony to the body and mind as it boasts the immune systems and enhances the body’s ability to heal itself. Reiki can never do harm, and can be used to enhance all other healing modalities. Reiki is done with the client resting on a table or chair. The session takes about an hour, and the client should give himself time to relax and not rush afterwards (so as to enjoy the afterglow). I can perform reiki at my house or yours, and I am certified to attune students who want to become a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master. Reiki can benefit you in many ways.

Tai chi thought of the week:
Let’s remember that the purpose of a discussion is progress, not who wins. Don’t you agree?

Stay centered, enjoy the day, and be careful out there.
Sifu Mike

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